Saturday, March 1, 2008

Red, White, and Blue

Update: I know it's been "only" 4 months since I updated but here are the final results.

The full list of heroes I intend to animate are: (*=who answered correctly)

Superman *Eunice
Spiderman *Tyrone
Captain America *AW
Mark (Gatchaman/G Force) *Tyrone
Optimus Prime *Tyrone
Underdog *not guessed by anyone

Thanks for playing!

Since Debbie has installed an animation program, my slow going yearlong project is to make a 30 second animation project showing all of the heroes I grew up loving.

The game is: name all of the heroes that wear/have red and blue.


EUNICE said...

Wonder Woman
Red Tornado
Papa Smurf =)

JJ said...

Red Tornado?!!! The Atom?!! Did you like go on the Wikipedia for entry for the Justice League? Debbie says your a bigger geek than she is.

Here's what you got correct:



Wonder Woman: Sorry, I was too young to be into women at the time

Superboy: I didn't care about

Supergirl: Same

The Atom: I didn't even know of back then.

Red Tornado: Same as the Atom

The Flash: Only wear red, white, and yellow (unless you meant the original Flash that wore the silver helmet)

Papa Smurf: he's only good having a white beard

Anonymous said...

Captain America - AW

EUNICE said...

I know they're not red and blue (your criteria said nothing about white), but can you put the Wonder Twins into your animation? I loved them!

Victor said...

After talking about the Wonder Twins at church this past Sunday, I really couldn't remember what colors they had. So, I did the geeky thing too (although I'm still not as geeky as Eunice) and found out they had purple costumes.
All I picture when I think of them is one of them being a gorilla and the other being a bucket of water or a bunch of ice cubes.

Unknown said...

jason (from battle of the planets)
mark (from battle of the planets)
grover (from sesame street)
robin (the boy wonder)
he-man as prince adam
optomis prime

JJ said...

Anonymous is correct:

Captain America is on my list.

Tyrone's results:

Jason: I think of him as more dark colored although I always liked him because of his car!

Mark: correct

Grover: Haha, I didn't watch much Sesame Street

Robin: No way!

He-Man: the hair didn't make the cut

Optimis Prime: correct

So the list so far is:

Captain America
Mark (Gatchaman)
Optimis Prime

Unknown said...

the tick
mr. fantastic
plasttic man
the human torch
one of the go-bots

JJ said...

The only correct one is...Spiderman.

The list so far:

Captain America
Mark (Gatchaman/G Force)
Optimus Prime

There is just one more hero left.

Unknown said...

someone from robotech i never watched the show so i don't know any of the names

JJ said...

No, no one from Robotech.

Anonymous said...

Speed Racer - AW

JJ said...

Sorry, it's not Speed Racer.

Jacob said...

thunder cats?

Jacob said...

Papa smurf

Jacob said...

night crawler

JJ said...

So no one was able to guess the final obscure character. That character is...Underdog (the animated one from the 60s, not the live action one). Thanks for playing!